• IoT

IoT solutions for intelligent connectivity

IoT solutions

Discover our page dedicated to the Internet of Things (IoT) and dive into the universe of our innovative solutions.

At NCS SYSTEMS, we take pride in being pioneers in the field of IoT (Internet of Things). We are opening new horizons in the industrial sector by offering connected and intelligent solutions for real-time data collection, predictive analysis, and advanced automation.

Our IoT solutions enable businesses to harness the power of data to improve their operational efficiency, decision-making, and market competitiveness. With our expertise in IoT, we develop tailor-made solutions that meet the specific needs of each client, whether it's asset monitoring, process optimisation, or maintenance.

Whether it's in the agri-food industry, automotive sector, defence, or other industries, our IoT solutions provide tangible benefits such as cost reduction, quality improvement, and performance optimisation. We are committed to supporting our clients in their digital transformation by providing innovative solutions that push the boundaries of what is possible in the realm of IoT.

At NCS SYSTEMS, we believe that innovation is the key to success in an ever-evolving world. That's why we continuously invest in research and development to stay at the forefront of IoT technology and provide our clients with the most advanced and reliable solutions on the market.

Contact us today to discover how our IoT solutions can transform your business.


NCS SYSTEMS developed a new way of monitoring and logging environmental data. Using cload based technology our smart wind/weather monitoring solution provides a modern way of monitoring real time weather conditions from measurements while also receiving predictive data from the local climate institute. We offer a multitude of alerting options when certain parameters triggers an alarm. The possible parameters to be measured are wind direction, wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, air pressure, radiation... The connectivity with the cloud can be done by 3G/4G/5G, ethernet, fiber, Lora. A wide range of colour lamps can be connected to give a visualisation of the different alarming scales. All of this can be monitored by a customised (if needed) dashboard. Please contact us for more information.


Wind monitoring is an essential feature in IoT solutions, enabling potentially dangerous weather conditions to be detected and users to be alerted in real time, ensuring the safety of infrastructure, equipment and people.

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Connectivity is a central pillar of IoT solutions, enabling devices and systems to communicate with each other via various wireless protocols such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and 4G/5G, making it easier to collect, share and analyse data in real time for rapid and effective decision-making.

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Visualisation and alarming are key aspects of IoT solutions, providing a user-friendly interface for monitoring and managing the data collected by sensors, as well as real-time alerts for critical events, enabling rapid response and informed decision-making.

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Wind monitoring & alarming solution

A brand new way of monitoring & logging various environmental data.

Using cloud based technology our smart wind/weather monitoring solution provides a modern way of monitoring real time weather conditions from measurements while also receiving predictive data from the KMI. We offer a multitude of alerting options when a certain parameter triggers an alarm. A future proof solution!

Main features :

Possible parameters to be measured

  • Wind direction
  • Wind speed -Temperature
  • Relative humidity
  • Air pressure
  • Radiation
  • Precipitation type / intensity / quantity


  • 3G / 4G / 5G
  • Ethernet
  • Fiber
  • LORA (optional, if possible)

All official CEPA warning colours (multi-colour)

  1. Modern alerting options We offer default sms- , email-, telegram warnings and a cloud dashboard. WhatsApp groups integration and API integration is also a possible option.

  2. Cloud dashboard for real-time and historic data

  • In our cloud dashboard we integrate real-time data with predictive data from the KMI.
  • Windspeed trends can be seen from past timeframes
  • Alarms can be monitored and warnings can be set from here
  • Historic data can be reviewed


  • Relay
  • DIO
  • AIO
  • Modbus

Different type of sensors :

Wide Variety of Bright, Highly Visible LED indicators.

Programmable multi-colour LED indicators provide bold, bright status indication and offer up to fourteen standard colour choices from just three inputs. Pro Editor compatible models can be programmed with a variety of additional colour and animation options using Banner’s intuitive software. Models with IO-Link or PICK-IQ communication offer dynamic control and millions of custom colour options.

  • Configure colour, flashing, intensity, rotation, and audible
  • Up to 14 colours, four different sizes for machine or panel mount
  • Pro Editor models offer simple wiring enabling easy setup and reduced installation time
  • Harness the power of all models of Pro with PICK-IQ™ using device-to-device connections
  • PICK-IQ devices provide the ideal solution for production lines and fulfillment stations that require dynamic indication
  • Models with IO-Link communication enable almost limitless capacity for custom indication
  • Standardise on fewer models that can be customised in-field, saving costs and inventory requirements

Cloud dashboard

All-in-one solution

  • Installation (all necessary certificates)
  • Maintenance / Calibration
  • SLA


NCS SYSTEMS modules permits you to remotely track and monitor a variety of powered and non-powered static or moveable objects like containers, tools, equipment or urban work sites to optimise their use by better management. We also provide a complete range of modules targeted for vehicle tracking applications. For people and animal tracking we have solutions like personal GPS locator, cow and bird tracking and personal safety.


Asset tracking is a key component of IoT solutions, offering real-time traceability of equipment, vehicles or other assets through the use of sensors and location technologies such as GPS. This enables businesses to optimise the management of their resources, improve operational efficiency and prevent the loss or theft of assets.

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Vehicle tracking in IoT solutions enables real-time traceability of vehicle movements and activities, through the use of sensors and geolocation technologies. This functionality gives businesses complete visibility of their fleet, enabling them to optimise routes, monitor vehicle use and improve driver safety, while reducing operational costs.

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People tracking in IoT solutions enables real-time monitoring of people's movements and activities, using wearable devices and location technologies such as GPS. This functionality offers increased security in a variety of contexts such as industrial environments, healthcare and emergency situations, enabling people to be located and assisted when needed, while respecting their privacy.

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